Drink More Water This Year!
You have heard it time and time again: drink more water. Yet the message has never completely stuck. In 2013, it was estimated that nearly...
Enjoy a Healthy Lifestyle with the Flexitarian Diet
Ranked by U.S. News & World Report, The Flexitarian Diet placed third in the ‘Best Diet Overall’ and the ‘Best Diets for Diabetes’ category in...
How to Avoid Thanksgiving Weight Gain
When Thanksgiving rolls around, the excitement for a dinner comprised of all of our favorite dishes reaches its peak. However, so does the dread of...
The Staying Power of the Atkins Diet
The Atkins diet is one of the most well-known and popular diets ‒ to the point that the Atkins name is an established brand that includes product...
Get in The Zone – With the Zone Diet
Diets get a bad reputation, particularly those that include calorie counting. But the Zone Diet is teaching people that calorie counting is merely a...
The Whole30® Program – What You Need To Know
Every diet plan – including the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet and the ketogenic diet – work on the principle of modifying the portion of...
What is The Mediterranean Diet and Would It Work For You?
Diet trends come and go faster than we can start them, but that does not hinder our curiosity. Consistently, they are chalked up to eliminating food...
How to Lose 10 Pounds Fast for Summer
Yes, it’s summer in Florida again! Not that we ever really bundle up in fall and winter, but this is the time of year when we’re all conscious about...
Obesity and Hypertension: Breaking the Deadly Link
Obesity and Hypertension: Breaking the Deadly Link Statistics aren’t always boring. There are many statistics about hypertension (high blood...