7 Reasons to Add Apple Cider Vinegar to your Diet

Apple cider vinegar, much like your first shot of tequila, you need to brace yourself. It’s not going to taste great. You’ll need a shot glass and most likely a chaser. However, unlike tequila, apple cider vinegar with work with your innards for a very rewarding affect…I bet tequila never did that for you.

Yes, the taste is pretty brutal. But we’re all adults here. Take a shot, and reap the benefits.

You will need unfiltered and organic apple cider vinegar. Look for one with a label that reads “Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with the ‘Mother’”. The “mother” indicates that your cider has bits of the fermentation of the apples floating around in the bottle (you’ll be able to see it). Seeing that fermentation is a confirmation that your vinegar hasn’t been drained. Draining the mother from your vinegar is basically draining the impactful nutrients out.

Remember, it is still always important to consult with your physician before adding a regime of anything, including apple cider vinegar to your diet. Everything should be done in moderation, including apple cider vinegar.

However, including apple cider vinegar in your diet at least on a weekly basis is your first step in converting into a whole foods, super foods, and clean-living goddess. Before you know it you’ll be joining me and using coconut oil as your moisturizer (it works, I swear!).

So now that you know what to buy, here are just a few reasons to encourage to actually buy apple cider vinegar:

  1. Better Hair and Skin:

After shampooing and conditioning, a quick rinse of apple cider vinegar (ACV) can leave your hair with more shine and fighting off dandruff. You do not need much. It’s suggested you put about ½ tablespoon with a cup’s worth of water in a bottle (preferably a recycled detangler bottle) and spritz the mixture through your strands.

If you already use a toner, try making ACV its replacement. It evens skin tone and clears up acne scars. Make it a part of your nightly or morning ritual before you apply moisturizer. The reason for this is because ACV has a pH much closer to our skin which protects a delicate layer of skin from being destroyed by chemical-based toners. (That layer just happens to be the one fighting against bacteria.)

  1. Naturally Heal Your Heart:

heal your heartLove your heart like apple cider vinegar loves your heart. ACV has acetic acid in it which has been shown to reduce the risk of heart diseases. For people with inherited triglycerides (bad cholesterol), ACV has shown to lower levels as well as blood pressure. In addition to a healthy diet, ACV could be the relief your next bloodwork is waiting for.

  1. Strengthen Your Allergy Defenses:

Go ahead, breathe in that pollen. Yes, you might actually get through allergy season with hearing a few less “bless you’s”! Use ACV to combat mucus build up and strengthens your immune system because of its Vitamin A, B6, and C. Those vitamins naturally ward your body from allergens while it also helps lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic drainage is the movement of a bodily fluid that helps your body’s immunity. This also pertains to clogged noses caused by the flu, which luckily, ACV is known to also help relieve you of a high temperature from the flu.

  1. Joint Pain Relief:

You should really JOIN apple cider vinegar and your joints. While there isn’t scientific basis for this, testimony from personal use has suggested that ACV relieves arthritis. Will it cure it? No, but for those who suffer from the joint pain may find relief in knowing there won’t be any harmful reactions with prescribed medications. The acetic acid helps reduce the acidity already in our blood (which cause pain and inflammation). This may seem counterproductive since it’s adding acid to acid. Actually, as most health care providers agree, the acid in the ACV will eventually alkalize and ease the pain. You can soak your joints or choose to ingest ACV.

  1. Detoxification:

You can be trendy and detoxify. You don’t need to be Gwyneth Paltrow to detoxify your body. ACV is a very cheap fix for detoxifying your body. Granted, working on its own, ACV isn’t going to do all the detoxification for you; you still need a green smoothie from time to time. You can do detoxify from either soaking in a bath with some ACV and Epson salt or ingesting it. The reason for this is because as it travels through your body, it kills bad bacteria. Killing off intrusions from bacteria or even too much mucus allows your body to function at full optimization. For additional ways to detoxify, mix a bit of ACV with a glass of a water before meals.

  1. Boost your weight loss efforts:

ACV is safe to consume every day which is good news for those of us wanting to lose a few pounds. A 2005 study showed consumption of ACV either before or during a meal helps lower your appetite for the rest of the day.

In fact some people found that their caloric intake for the rest of the day naturally dropped by “200-275” calories. You can achieve this again by having it diluted in a glass of water, or use it as a dressing for your salad, or add a bit to your soup broths. It will also help relieve bloat!

  1. Gain relief for diabetes:

diabetes relief

Just like arthritis, ACP cannot cure diabetes but it can help relieve some of its pains. Added to a proper diabetic diet, ACV helps prevent a huge spike of blood sugar after a meal for diabetic patients and reduce insulin levels. Try adding a little cinnamon and hot lemon water to your ACV drink; cinnamon will also help reduce blood sugar and lemon is good for cleansing. Many geriatric medicine providers use this trick for older patients who are presenting as pre-diabetic.

So listen, if I’m being honest, I have a near full bottle of apple cider vinegar still sitting on my kitchen counter from about three months ago. I went about two days and two shots in when I called it quits.

However, I have effectively convinced myself to join back on the detoxification bandwagon…besides, Kombucha is way more expensive than a bottle of apple cider vinegar!