New Year, New Jean Size: Lose Weight in 2017

New Year, New Jean Size: Lose Weight in 2017

Dieting is one of those words we’d rather not say aloud. First of all, no one really cares to admit they want to lose weight. After all, your desire to lose a few pounds isn’t really anyone else’s business. Second of all, everyone has an opinion on dieting; what worked for them, or what doesn’t work, and honestly, all you care about is what will work for you.

After reaching out to experts in the field of healthy weight loss, we found a pretty common theme. The secret to lose the weight you want isn’t always a diet. It’s an adjustment whole foods and a step away from processed ones.

Lose Weight With Advice from 9 Industry Experts:

1. Rebecca Lee from

Registered Nurse and founder of

Some of the healthiest foods may already be those you have in your pantry. “Coconut oil also curbs your appetite due to the way MCTs are metabolized in your body [as] “a major component in coconut oil is lauric acid. Lauric acid keeps you safe from harmful and powerful microorganisms that are in the body”.

“Apple cider vinegar is a multipurpose force but for your health it packs “essential vitamins and minerals. Some of the nutrients include potassium, magnesium, fiber, amino acids, and antioxidants (cancer fighting)”. In fact, “a study…showed that subjects who took apple cider vinegar every day for 12 weeks lost weight. After a daily intake of 1 tablespoon and 2 tablespoons, subjects lost 2.6 lbs and 3.7 lbs”.

coconut oil

2. Samantha Salmon of

Owner of Earth’s Healing Café and health coach for Raw Food Meal Planner

“My favorite weight loss trend this year is the Pegan diet because it encourages the consumption of whole foods and omits harmful grains. Grains create tooth decay, mood imbalances, acid reflux and nutritional deficiencies. They are poisonous to the body after long term consumption…

I also love the new FitBit Charge 2 because of the guided breathing meditations…I wear mine all day every day. It auto tracks my sleep pattern and exercise. I use it to log my water and food intake. It’s like an accountability buddy that’s with you 24/7”.

3.Mike Kneuer of

Certified Personal trainer, Retired Pro Physique Competitor

“The biggest thing I tell my clients looking to lose body fat is to stop drinking their calories. They are only allowed to drink water or black coffee. If they need some flavor they can add some lemons or other fruit into a diffuser, but they are not to drink fruit juice. I’ve had clients lose 10pounds in a month just by cutting out soda and sugary drinks. A 20oz Coke has 240 calories and a whooping 65g or sugar!”

difused water

4. Scott Deuty of

Author of Secrets of an Over 50 Former Fat Man

“The Paleo diet does work. Getting rid of preservatives and carbs causes your body to consume its own fat for energy…the trick to [avoiding] hunger is to steer clear of high carbs and sugar. They burn fast and bypass your body’s ability to burn what you consume. Instead, you store the added fat and protein you take in rather than only using that which your body needs.

Increasing muscle definition gives the additional protein “a place to go” and benefits aerobic exercise greatly. Finally, your sluggishness will be reduced, your sleep patterns will become regular as will your bowel movements”.

5. Scott Schmaren of

NeuroPerformanceologist, author, public speaker

“All of the trends for weight loss are not effective for long term weight loss… Why? The focus is wrong. We focus on diet and exercise as the keys to weight loss; they are not…

The key is how we see ourselves at the core of our subconscious minds. If a person has struggled with their weight for a long time then the perception in their subconscious mind is that they are overweight and that is normal and good and any attempt to lose weight is bad…That is the reason almost everyone puts the weight they lose back on and usually more. If you change the picture and perception of yourself in your subconscious mind then eating correctly and getting good exercise will make sense…That changed my life”.

6. Katrina Love of

Author of Losing Weight is Healing Journey: A Woman’s Guide to Losing Weight Naturally

“My #1 weight loss tip for 2017 is, ‘Start your Weight Loss Healing Journey.’

On your healing journey, make the decision to change and to do something different. Stop dieting and instead learn about the miraculous nature of your body. Know that your excess weight is there for a good reason, and if you lovingly address and heal it at the root cause, your body can heal naturally…

Your body has an amazing ability to self-heal when you focus on holistically addressing the following 3 areas: healing your body, healing your mind, and healing your emotions”.


7. Mary Caroline Craig of

Certified Integrative Nutrition Health and Fitness Coach

“[Eat] healthy Fat and Fiber with every meal! When you consume good fats (non-saturated) and fiber, along with protein, you stay full longer, your blood sugar remains balanced, and you don’t crave more carbs!

[Avoid] eating a ‘sugar free’, packaged food diet. These foods usually contain ‘fake’ sugars that negatively react in our brain, making us crave even more carbohydrates – and they generally aren’t vegetable carbs”.

mango and avocado

8. Dan DeFigio of

Fitness and Nutrition Expert and author of bestselling Beating Sugar Addiction for Dummies

“Habits and baby steps…Humans are creatures of habit. Whatever you do most of the time, that’s what you’re like. Your behavior is not designed for drastic, immediate changes. My entire approach to coaching is to gradually replace unhealthy habits with healthier habits…Successful change needs to happen gradually, so that each new habit and lesson becomes a natural part of what you normally do. You can’t change 15 things all at once and expect to be able to maintain all those changes….When your body oxidizes stored fat for fuel, it will take it from wherever it wants to. Specific [zone-targeted] exercises or diet plans cannot target fat loss from a specific area. You can get fatter or you can get leaner, but you cannot decide where”.

9. Jamie Logie of

Personal trainer, nutritionist, author of Regained Wellness: Healthy Eating Starter Kit

“Many people are eating paleo “ish” as they are adding in some things like rice or oatmeal. This isn’t true paleo but still a good whole foods diet. The main benefit to me is not what these ways of eating contain, it’s what they DON’T contain. They avoid processed and refined garbage, sugars, trans fats etc. As long as your diet is whole foods based your body can do its thing and weight loss becomes more attainable.

I think the #1 [weight loss] dud are juice fasts… I think cleansing and detoxification are great but they should happen on a daily basis, not a short term period. This means more high nutrient green based foods such as kale, spinach, Swiss chard etc. Then making sure you’re getting enough water in each day but adding in things like fresh squeezed lemon to help in the cleansing process.”

yogurt and granola

10. Dorian Johnson of

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

“Abandon the diet altogether! Diets are restrictive and people would much rather be granted the freedom to eat what they want and get results, given they know how to. People don’t like being told what to do but if you give them options, they’re more likely to comply and since your nutrition is 80% of your weight loss success, not only is it more effective at losing weight than exercise, everyone can learn how to eat healthy!”

11. Neil O’Nova of

Author of Seven Top- Secret Fat Burning Bio-Hacks

“My #1 pick for the top weight-loss trend of 2017 is habit hacking…Habit hacking for weight loss is all about making healthy choices easier and more automatic…
[It works because] most people rely on willpower to resist temptations and make healthy choices. Unfortunately, this strategy almost never works in the long run. Our willpower is a limited resource; just like a muscle, it gets tired the more we use it…This trend helps you focus on a few critical habits that can have a big impact on your weight…without requiring a lot of time or work on your part”.

12. Jessica Cifelli of

“The past few years have seen a solid interest in fitness enthusiasts getting stronger, not just skinny… [we need to focus] our diets on macronutrient intake more than simply caloric intake is not only a great way to mindfully eat, but the ideal way to increase strength while losing fat concurrently…understanding the value that protein, fats and carbohydrates have in leaning out without compromising athletic performance is gaining serious ground in the industry”.


13. Chelsey Amer of

Registered Dietician Nutritionist and blogger for

“My favorite weight loss trend for 2017 has got to be gut health! Gut health has become sexy, hot and important for health and weight loss. Studies show that if your gut microbiome (good bacteria you should have in your intestines) is out of whack that you are more likely to suffer from depressed energy levels, hold on to extra pounds, develop chronic diseases and even mental illnesses. The standard American diet is low in fiber and high in saturated fat and added sugar, which contributes not only to weight gain but also gut dysbiosis (or an abnormal population of bacteria in your gut). If you eat high fiber foods like fruits and vegetables and whole grains, as well as fermented foods like miso, tempeh and kombucha tea you can help re-populate your gut with beneficial bacteria and also lose weight!”

paleo meal

14. Gin Stephens of

Author of Delay, Don’t Deny

“The best weight loss trend for 2017, bar none, is intermittent fasting. Not only is it fantastic for permanent weight loss, but it has health and longevity benefits beyond weight loss. The Nobel Prize in medicine for 2016 was related to a process called autophagy, and intermittent fasting stimulates this process…Intermittent fasting is changing lives.”

15. Rikke Norgaard of

“My number 1 pick for weight loss is based on my OWN body -my genetics -the one thing that will never change. We’re experiencing a trend in personalizing diets, exercise routines as well as lifestyle matters -such as sleep…Eating a higher fat diet is GOOD for me, though not necessarily so for everyone. My waistline in particular benefits from a diet high in monounsaturated fats as my body metabolize fat better vs carbohydrates that is more likely to be stored as fat.”

What’s interesting is that none of the experts really mentioned calories. However, it goes without saying that even when eating a wholesome food based diet, portion control is necessary to lose weight. For some, if calorie counting aids in your efforts to portion control, by all means, it is encouraged. The point is that eventually your “diet” will become a way of life instead of just a means to a weight loss end.

So what are you waiting for? 2017 is your time to get your food and mind right. 2017 is the year for a new you and a new jean size.

5 Ways to Create Your Own $200K Oscar Gift Bags

5 Ways to Create Your Own $200K Oscar Gift Bags

How You Can Feel Like an Academy Award Winner This Year!

On February 28th, all eyes will be on the stars walking down the red carpet on Hollywood Boulevard, outside the Dolby Theater, for the 89th Academy Awards Ceremony. Leading up to the ceremony, how ever, even more eyes are on the $200,000 Oscar Gift Bags all nominees will receive, courtesy of the marketing company Distinctive Assets.

Will La La Land live up to the hype and win an Oscar this year? Or, will Viola Davis steal the show with a Best Supporting Actress win for the movie Fences?

Either way, rumor has it that ALL Oscar nominees (from Nicole Kidman in Lion to Andrew Garfield in Hacksaw Ridge) will each be taking home Oscar Gift Bags full of some pretty unorthodox goodies – even for people of Hollywood fame. Compared to the $232,000 price tag of last year’s Oscar goodies, this Oscar Gift Bag is not making the same amount of history (sadly, it also does not include a free Vampire Breastlift either). But it is still raising a few eyebrows and instilling the same amount of envy in our hearts.

What will the 2017 Oscar goodie bags include? According to both The Guardian and Teen Vogue, each honored starlet will be taking “home” the following:

  • 6-Day Hawaiian Vacation on Southern Kauai – $3,877 value
  • A 3 Night’s Stay at Lost Coast Ranch – $21,860 value
  • Personal in-house sommelier services from The Loving Somm approx. $2000-$6000 value
  • Chocolatines’ Drunken Fig Cake Bites – $35
  • A 10-year’s supply of Oxygenetix Breathable Foundation and Moisturizer- $47,198 value
  • 10 training sessions with celebrity trainer Alexis Seletzky – $1,500 value
  • 3-Day Visit to Italy’s Grand Hotel Tremezzo – $1,244 value

We are sure Dr. Runels (founder of The Vampire Facelift and The Vampire Breastlift) is a little disappointed to hear that the Hollywood starlets are seeing the value of his signature procedure this year. However, we are also sure that any Hollywood stars or starlets who do not receive their own glitzy, golden award will be thrilled nonetheless with this generous gift package, courtesy of the marketing company Distinctive Assets. Ahh, what a charmed life these celebs do lead! Looking at this year’s laundry list of luxurious goodies, it makes be believe them when they say, “It’s an honor just to be nominated.”

However, it also begs the question, “Why can’t we all get in on the fun?” Well, the good news is we can! This year, we researched ways for you to make an affordable 2017 “Oscar Gift Bag” for yourself, to recreate the experiences the Hollywood starlets will receive – yet, for a fraction of the price! Here’s how you can create an Oscar-winning experience for yourself this year:


1. Trade that 13-Hour Flight to Hawaii for a Stay at Lago Mar Beach Resort & Club.

With 500-feet of private beach access, secluded villas and all-inclusive access to five-star meals, drinks and an on-site spa offering Swedish massages, while you enjoy sparkling wine and chocolate-covered strawberries, Lago Mar offers all the beachside beauty and luxuries of a Hawaiian resort – without the hassle of a long flight and jet lag.  Oscar Gift Bags that require you to buy a trans-Pacific flight? No thanks! We’ll take the 5-hour flight to the gorgeous Atlantic instead.

3 Nights in an Oceanfront Suite – $1,232


2. Trade 10 Years of Oxygenating Makeup Treatments for 1 Session of the Vampire Facelift

While our skin naturally craves more oxygen, and oxygen-deprived skin can look dull, wrinkled and lifeless, the jury is still out on whether oxygenating makeup really works. Sure, it feels great to buy it, and when you’re a celebrity and have someone giving you their products free, why not?

But for those of us who really want to get results, always think before you buy. In fact, Dr. Gary Goldenberg from Goldenberg Dermatology has gone on the record saying he is “not convinced” that anything that comes in a cream form can deliver “gaseous” results, such as infusing oxygen back into the skin. You know what has been proven to get results? The Vampire Facelift. It uses platelet-rich-plasma technology to stimulate new cells, collagen and elastin to restore the plump and smooth natural look of your face.

The best part? It doesn’t take 10 years to see results! Just one session, and you will look and feel younger. Just make sure you see a doctor who is certified by the procedure creator, Dr. Charles Runels.

1 Session of The Vampire Facelift – Less than 1/10 the cost of oxygenatinating makeup! Contact Dr. Newsome for more information

Oscar Gift Bags

3. Trade a One-Time Sommelier Service for a Year-Round Wine of the Month Membership

What would you rather have? One day of a wine expert serving up a variety of bottles and blends to your friends, family and guests? Or an entire year of customized wine samplings and full control over the blend of reds and whites you receive every month. Develop your own taste profile and become a wine connoisseur whose racks are always fully stacked?

I know which one I would choose! Sure, a sommelier service sounds great. But once the event is over, your $2000 investment is gone and your wine glass is empty! Be a true wine lover, and invest all of your hard-earned cash in more Chardonnay, Savignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio or whatever suits your fancy! Read this great post from Forbes to find the Wine of the Month Club that is best for you. (Club W – now renamed Winc– is our personal favorite)

1 Year of a 3/Bottle-a-Month Membership with – $576


4. Trade a 3-Day Visit to Italy’s Grand Hotel Tremezzo for the Ritz Carlton Lake Tahoe

Instead of taking a 13-hour + flight to Italy, enjoy the same level of luxury within the continental U.S. by visiting this 5-star lakeside California resort. Your first stop should be the 17,000 square-foot spa that offers a crushed pinecone exfoliating scrub and a dry-heat lodge and steaming eucalyptus room.

Or, if taking in the sights is what you’re after, the Ritz Carlton concierge will arrange private boat charters, kayaking or hiking events that will take your breath away. Of course, just standing in the lobby of this 170-room stone-and-wood lodge is enough to take our breaths away, and don’t even get us started on the artfully-crafted cuisine at the Manzanita in-house restaurant.


5. Trade 10 Celebrity Training Sessions for the HCG Diet Plan

Celebrity trainers are known for creating unbelievable results for their clients in a record amount of time – after all, that’s why they’re worth the big bucks, right?! But you know what else they are known for? Charging ridiculously high fees and organizing workout routines that are difficult, if not impossible, to maintain on your own. These Oscar Gifts Bags clearly come with a hook – encouraging stars to sign on for years of one-on-one training with no end in sight.

Watch this video of Buzzfeed staff writers working with celebrity trainer Steve Zim. Sure, they look like Captain America and Scarlett Johansen after the weeks of rigorous workouts and eating regiments. But will it last? Without Steve Zim on their side, we think not. Even the writers admitted that their habits will probably change once back in the “real world.”

You know what does last? Retraining your own mind and body to eat healthy, balanced meals and using your own body chemistry to create the lasting effects you want to see. That’s what the HCG Diet Plan does and with the lifelong results it creates, it has massively more value than 10 sessions at the gym. Try getting those results from this year’s Oscar Gift Bags.

HCG Diet – starting at $1,000

Trade 1-Time Oscar Gift Bags for a Full Year of Luxury Living 

Sure, we all want to live like the stars, but we also want that luxury lifestyle to last! (and not to burn a hole in our wallets). So, from our house to yours, here are our recommendations for how you can create your own lifestyle of luxury without the $200K price tag OR the heavy taxes or fees that go with it.

Which item would you pick first on our list?  Let us know in the comments below! Or, contact Solutions Weight Loss for a medically-supervised weight loss or Vampire Facelift consultation today!

Are Your Wrinkles Showing Too Much Wisdom?  7 Anti-Aging Secrets You Should Follow

Are Your Wrinkles Showing Too Much Wisdom? 7 Anti-Aging Secrets You Should Follow

At every red light, I can count on my friend pulling down her car’s vanity mirror, looking into it while pulling back her face with both hands, and saying “So this is what a facelift would look like.”

While in the moment it is comical and we both have a laugh, she really doesn’t need one. However, I understand that every time we see a crease on our face that we could have sworn wasn’t there the day before, it is a slight cause of alarm.

Sometimes we get frustrated with our aging. How did these wrinkles get here? Why do kids have nice skin? And so on.

Then we become proud of our aging. Fine line and wrinkles show our journey, our wisdom. There is character in laugh lines for it means we spent most of our life smiling and laughing. I like the little creases in between my eyebrows, it means I was focused on doing or learning something with great content. Aging gives us character, power even.

However, I know what you’re thinking, character is good but too much of a good thing can become a bad thing.

If you’re looking for a natural way to slow the, well, “wisdom” of your skin, we have some secrets to do just that.

7 anti-aging secrets that will help you stay young:

Sometimes lifestyle changes can prove to be as beneficial as surgical inference; in all aspects of health. You may decide to go with a more invasive approach to anti-aging, but to maintain the results, lifestyle shifts are sometimes necessary. Here are some tips:

1. Always eat healthy, whole foods.

Those 100-Calorie packs are just not going to cut it. Your skin needs whole foods; produce, mixed grains, organic proteins. Produce like avocado contain antioxidant carotenoids that aid your skin in fighting off radicals that could cause damage (aging) to your skin cells. Mixed grains provide our bodies with minerals needed to absorb the nutrients of other nutrient dense foods. These minerals often include, iron, magnesium, and even zinc. Organic, grass-fed beef tend to higher percentages of omega-3 present in it. Omega-3 works as an antioxidant against free radicals and work to repair what exposure to the sun damages.

Some of the best whole foods for anti-aging includes blueberries, spinach, salmon, olive and coconut oil, tomatoes, and even dark chocolate helps reduce irritation from UV exposure!

2. Drink a lot of water.

Water is everywhere and there is a reason for that. One of the most effective and natural way to keep your wrinkles in check is to drink plenty of water, at least 8 – 10 glass a day. The skin is made of about 30% water and drinking ample amounts of water helps re-hydrate it which helps maintain elasticity.

Try infused water with lemon or cucumber. Lemon water is full of potassium and Vitamin C which fight off free radicals while also repairing the damage already done by them. Cucumber works as anti-inflammatory. Both are just great ways to cleanse your body of internal, unwanted toxins, too.

3. Get sleep.

We know this one if easier said than done. It’s like telling you to be less stressed (which also helps with anti-aging). You know eight hours of sleep are necessary not only for anti-aging but also for healthy living in general. If this is difficult for you, consider some changes to your nightly routine.

Drinking a glass of unprocessed cherry juice, over-the-counter melatonin, avoiding a screen for 30 minutes before bed, any of these made aid in your ability to sleep. If not, consider seeing a specialist for sleep care.

If sleep isn’t an issue and you’re still concerned with fine lines, discontinue sleeping with your face smashed into your pillow. This can causes creases in your skin from the fabric. Consider either sleeping on your back or changing your pillow cases to silk ones.

4. Avoid exposure to sun.

Wearing sunscreen every day is your number one, guaranteed way to prevent aging.

You know that UV radiation is the culprit to not only skin damage but also skin cancer. You know that you need to wear at least an SPF of 50 every single day. Yes, you can’t just wear sunscreen to the beach or to a baseball game. Even when you are indoors, UV rays are strong enough to penetrate buildings.

By protecting your skin from the most destructive force to your skin will only aid your efforts later in life keeping wrinkles at a minimal. Wear your sunscreen!

5. Add vitamin A to your diet.

Naturally, by adding whole foods to your diet, you will naturally add a variety of nutrients to your diet that you may not already be exposed to. However, Vitamin A specifically helps the production of collagen which repairs damaged skin tissues.

Collagen diminishes the harmful effects of oxidation, reduces wrinkles and fine lines, and helps decrease sun damage. Eggs, carrots, kale, and tuna are all high in Vitamin A.

6. Quit smoking.

If skin cancer, emphysema, and tooth decay aren’t reason enough to quit, perhaps your skin is. Smoking decreases the flow of blood to the skin and lowers the level of oxygen and vitamins to the outer layer of the body. It also destroys elastin and collagen, which are a must for a youthful skin. Hence, quit smoking if you want to look young.

7. Get expert advice on cosmetic procedures and products for skin regeneration.

This perhaps is the most important of them all. See a dedicated skincare doctor who is an expert in aging. They will be able to who can work with you and on your skin type to find out what is right for you, be it cosmetic procedures or products. There are a range of procedures to choose from and similarly an array of cosmetic products to lay your hands on. Sometimes all you need is a bit of guidance.


If you are in and around Central Florida contact Solutions Weight Loss and meet Dr. Eddie Thomas to plan out how to rejuvenate your skin and look young.

Solutions carries the best medical grade skin products, the SkinMedica, to bring back the youth in you. They know the power of the human body to invigorate itself. The line includes a full array of advanced skin care solutions, including creams, lotions, cleansers, moisturizers, toners, lip plumps, sunscreens, and more, all designed with a more youthful-looking, vibrant you in mind. From our Vampire Facelift (or Vampire lift) to the Vampire Breastlift or HCG Diet Plan, we can help you reach your 2017 beauty and health goals!

Come and visit Solutions Weight Loss for a comprehensive review of your health needs.

An Apple a Day Keeps the Toxins at Bay

An Apple a Day Keeps the Toxins at Bay

7 Reasons to Add Apple Cider Vinegar to your Diet

Apple cider vinegar, much like your first shot of tequila, you need to brace yourself. It’s not going to taste great. You’ll need a shot glass and most likely a chaser. However, unlike tequila, apple cider vinegar with work with your innards for a very rewarding affect…I bet tequila never did that for you.

Yes, the taste is pretty brutal. But we’re all adults here. Take a shot, and reap the benefits.

You will need unfiltered and organic apple cider vinegar. Look for one with a label that reads “Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with the ‘Mother’”. The “mother” indicates that your cider has bits of the fermentation of the apples floating around in the bottle (you’ll be able to see it). Seeing that fermentation is a confirmation that your vinegar hasn’t been drained. Draining the mother from your vinegar is basically draining the impactful nutrients out.

Remember, it is still always important to consult with your physician before adding a regime of anything, including apple cider vinegar to your diet. Everything should be done in moderation, including apple cider vinegar.

However, including apple cider vinegar in your diet at least on a weekly basis is your first step in converting into a whole foods, super foods, and clean-living goddess. Before you know it you’ll be joining me and using coconut oil as your moisturizer (it works, I swear!).

So now that you know what to buy, here are just a few reasons to encourage to actually buy apple cider vinegar:

  1. Better Hair and Skin:

After shampooing and conditioning, a quick rinse of apple cider vinegar (ACV) can leave your hair with more shine and fighting off dandruff. You do not need much. It’s suggested you put about ½ tablespoon with a cup’s worth of water in a bottle (preferably a recycled detangler bottle) and spritz the mixture through your strands.

If you already use a toner, try making ACV its replacement. It evens skin tone and clears up acne scars. Make it a part of your nightly or morning ritual before you apply moisturizer. The reason for this is because ACV has a pH much closer to our skin which protects a delicate layer of skin from being destroyed by chemical-based toners. (That layer just happens to be the one fighting against bacteria.)

  1. Naturally Heal Your Heart:

heal your heartLove your heart like apple cider vinegar loves your heart. ACV has acetic acid in it which has been shown to reduce the risk of heart diseases. For people with inherited triglycerides (bad cholesterol), ACV has shown to lower levels as well as blood pressure. In addition to a healthy diet, ACV could be the relief your next bloodwork is waiting for.

  1. Strengthen Your Allergy Defenses:

Go ahead, breathe in that pollen. Yes, you might actually get through allergy season with hearing a few less “bless you’s”! Use ACV to combat mucus build up and strengthens your immune system because of its Vitamin A, B6, and C. Those vitamins naturally ward your body from allergens while it also helps lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic drainage is the movement of a bodily fluid that helps your body’s immunity. This also pertains to clogged noses caused by the flu, which luckily, ACV is known to also help relieve you of a high temperature from the flu.

  1. Joint Pain Relief:

You should really JOIN apple cider vinegar and your joints. While there isn’t scientific basis for this, testimony from personal use has suggested that ACV relieves arthritis. Will it cure it? No, but for those who suffer from the joint pain may find relief in knowing there won’t be any harmful reactions with prescribed medications. The acetic acid helps reduce the acidity already in our blood (which cause pain and inflammation). This may seem counterproductive since it’s adding acid to acid. Actually, as most health care providers agree, the acid in the ACV will eventually alkalize and ease the pain. You can soak your joints or choose to ingest ACV.

  1. Detoxification:

You can be trendy and detoxify. You don’t need to be Gwyneth Paltrow to detoxify your body. ACV is a very cheap fix for detoxifying your body. Granted, working on its own, ACV isn’t going to do all the detoxification for you; you still need a green smoothie from time to time. You can do detoxify from either soaking in a bath with some ACV and Epson salt or ingesting it. The reason for this is because as it travels through your body, it kills bad bacteria. Killing off intrusions from bacteria or even too much mucus allows your body to function at full optimization. For additional ways to detoxify, mix a bit of ACV with a glass of a water before meals.

  1. Boost your weight loss efforts:

ACV is safe to consume every day which is good news for those of us wanting to lose a few pounds. A 2005 study showed consumption of ACV either before or during a meal helps lower your appetite for the rest of the day.

In fact some people found that their caloric intake for the rest of the day naturally dropped by “200-275” calories. You can achieve this again by having it diluted in a glass of water, or use it as a dressing for your salad, or add a bit to your soup broths. It will also help relieve bloat!

  1. Gain relief for diabetes:

diabetes relief

Just like arthritis, ACP cannot cure diabetes but it can help relieve some of its pains. Added to a proper diabetic diet, ACV helps prevent a huge spike of blood sugar after a meal for diabetic patients and reduce insulin levels. Try adding a little cinnamon and hot lemon water to your ACV drink; cinnamon will also help reduce blood sugar and lemon is good for cleansing. Many geriatric medicine providers use this trick for older patients who are presenting as pre-diabetic.

So listen, if I’m being honest, I have a near full bottle of apple cider vinegar still sitting on my kitchen counter from about three months ago. I went about two days and two shots in when I called it quits.

However, I have effectively convinced myself to join back on the detoxification bandwagon…besides, Kombucha is way more expensive than a bottle of apple cider vinegar!

5 Secrets of The Top Resolution-Keepers Among Us

5 Secrets of The Top Resolution-Keepers Among Us

We’re already 31 days into the New Year, so chances are that if you are not one of the 8% of people who hold onto their resolutions, you might have already ditched your plans by now.

(I know, I’m having a hard time keeping mine.)

But I also have some good news for you – It’s not too late!

Over 40% of American make New Year’s Resolutions, while only 33% watch the Super Bowl! So, we definitely have the self-improvement game down. We aim high! Setting goals is almost as old of an American past time as putting clothes on dogs or watching fireworks on the 4th of July.

So, why don’t we take it one step further and learn how the 8% make their new year’s goals stick.

Reading this report from Forbes inspired us to dig deep-asking our patients, staff and friends their own secrets to success (We have a pretty high-achieving team here at Solutions Weight Loss).Without further ado, here is what they had to say:

1. Shout your goal from the rooftops.

Sure, it might take a little guts to tell your friends and family about those 10 pounds you want to lose or new workout routine you want to try. But the courage to speak up almost always leads to the courage to act. Once you’ve put it out there, not only do your friends know you’re serious, but you know it too. (And after all, that’s what really matters!) It’s a form of verbal commitment that says “Look at me world, this is who I am. This is who I’m going to be.” So, while we might advise you to avoid telling your hair stylist or postman about your goals, sharing them with people in your inner circle is often your first step to success.

2. Make a schedule.

Remember the adage, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail?” Well, it’s absolutely true. Any time a new patient comes in wanting to try medical weight loss, we always encourage them to write down when they plan to take their appetite suppressants and weight loss supplements, along with a general schedule of the nutritious, real-food meals they plan to eat.

High Angle View Of Woman Sitting On Sofa With Calendar And Pen

Don’t believe me? A Harvard study shows that people who write down their professional goals earn about 10 times as much as the other 97 percent combined!

After all, that’s why we’re here! To provide the support they need. And while they might not like it at first, they’re always happy with the results.

Not interested in medical weight loss? That’s ok! Just make sure to follow any new diet or exercise plan through in your head first, before you plan to act. Write it on your wall calendar, or save it on your calendar app. Set an alarm. Schedule a notification. Do whatever you have to do today to help yourself reach your goal tomorrow.

3.  Keep it Simple.

With the HCG Diet Plan, the procedure is actually much simpler than the name implies. You just limit your caloric intake while taking the natural hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in prescribed doses every day. The results, however, are not simple in the least! Women lose up to half a pound of body fat per day! Men lose an average of 1-pound per day!

And they keep it off!

Another strategy is to match your eating patterns to the cycle of the seasons, which is something a lot of us are already inclined to do. Read this great post from our friend Dr. Cynthia to learn how to “Spring Clean” your diet!

Studies show that the less you have to think about the process of reaching a goal, the more likely you are to achieve it. Sometimes a set-it and forget-it mentality is best! (Of course, if you are doing a medically-supervised weight loss plan or HCG Diet Plan, you can only “forget it” once you have the proper medical team and strategies in place).

But if you’re doing something as simple as, say, cutting out carbs and sugars. Then, just do it!  It’s as simple (and effective) as that.

4.  Track your Progress

“If you can measure it, you can change it.” This fundamental principal of psychology describes the way our mind is connected to our will. It’s also why elementary school children need golden star stickers to know they’re on the right track.

National Trivia Day Once we can see small bits of progress towards our goal, we will be sure to take every step needed to reach the finish line. Another key part of tracking progress is to be exact in what you’re tracking.

For example, it is much easier to follow a plan that says “no chips, fries or cookies for six weeks” than something like “achieving a balanced diet of nutrient rich foods for “however long I can do it.”

So turning your goals into something you can actually measure is key.
Pounds to Lose

5. Be Patient

This is the hardest one for most people (but it’s honestly the most important). As humans, we are creatures of habit, and we hardly ever make progress in a straight line. Some people might see rapid gains at first, only to hit a wall months later. Others take more of a boomerang-like path until they reach their goals.

Still others make progress similar to the way an old car turns on. Initial progress may be slow, and even painful, but suddenly they achieve the breakthrough they were waiting for and are off to the races again!

Setting ambitious goals can be fun and exhilarating. But the obstacles and distractions you might meet along the way can take that excitement away very quickly.

Following these easy steps outlined above should help you stay in the “excited” zone and keep you among the top 8% that are still moving towards their goals this December (albeit, possibly sneaking an ice cream or slice or cake in mid-July).

Solutions Weight Loss is on your side!