We’re already 31 days into the New Year, so chances are that if you are not one of the 8% of people who hold onto their resolutions, you might have already ditched your plans by now.

(I know, I’m having a hard time keeping mine.)

But I also have some good news for you – It’s not too late!

Over 40% of American make New Year’s Resolutions, while only 33% watch the Super Bowl! So, we definitely have the self-improvement game down. We aim high! Setting goals is almost as old of an American past time as putting clothes on dogs or watching fireworks on the 4th of July.

So, why don’t we take it one step further and learn how the 8% make their new year’s goals stick.

Reading this report from Forbes inspired us to dig deep-asking our patients, staff and friends their own secrets to success (We have a pretty high-achieving team here at Solutions Weight Loss).Without further ado, here is what they had to say:

1. Shout your goal from the rooftops.

Sure, it might take a little guts to tell your friends and family about those 10 pounds you want to lose or new workout routine you want to try. But the courage to speak up almost always leads to the courage to act. Once you’ve put it out there, not only do your friends know you’re serious, but you know it too. (And after all, that’s what really matters!) It’s a form of verbal commitment that says “Look at me world, this is who I am. This is who I’m going to be.” So, while we might advise you to avoid telling your hair stylist or postman about your goals, sharing them with people in your inner circle is often your first step to success.

2. Make a schedule.

Remember the adage, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail?” Well, it’s absolutely true. Any time a new patient comes in wanting to try medical weight loss, we always encourage them to write down when they plan to take their appetite suppressants and weight loss supplements, along with a general schedule of the nutritious, real-food meals they plan to eat.

High Angle View Of Woman Sitting On Sofa With Calendar And Pen

Don’t believe me? A Harvard study shows that people who write down their professional goals earn about 10 times as much as the other 97 percent combined!

After all, that’s why we’re here! To provide the support they need. And while they might not like it at first, they’re always happy with the results.

Not interested in medical weight loss? That’s ok! Just make sure to follow any new diet or exercise plan through in your head first, before you plan to act. Write it on your wall calendar, or save it on your calendar app. Set an alarm. Schedule a notification. Do whatever you have to do today to help yourself reach your goal tomorrow.

3.  Keep it Simple.

With the HCG Diet Plan, the procedure is actually much simpler than the name implies. You just limit your caloric intake while taking the natural hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in prescribed doses every day. The results, however, are not simple in the least! Women lose up to half a pound of body fat per day! Men lose an average of 1-pound per day!

And they keep it off!

Another strategy is to match your eating patterns to the cycle of the seasons, which is something a lot of us are already inclined to do. Read this great post from our friend Dr. Cynthia to learn how to “Spring Clean” your diet!

Studies show that the less you have to think about the process of reaching a goal, the more likely you are to achieve it. Sometimes a set-it and forget-it mentality is best! (Of course, if you are doing a medically-supervised weight loss plan or HCG Diet Plan, you can only “forget it” once you have the proper medical team and strategies in place).

But if you’re doing something as simple as, say, cutting out carbs and sugars. Then, just do it!  It’s as simple (and effective) as that.

4.  Track your Progress

“If you can measure it, you can change it.” This fundamental principal of psychology describes the way our mind is connected to our will. It’s also why elementary school children need golden star stickers to know they’re on the right track.

National Trivia Day Once we can see small bits of progress towards our goal, we will be sure to take every step needed to reach the finish line. Another key part of tracking progress is to be exact in what you’re tracking.

For example, it is much easier to follow a plan that says “no chips, fries or cookies for six weeks” than something like “achieving a balanced diet of nutrient rich foods for “however long I can do it.”

So turning your goals into something you can actually measure is key.
Pounds to Lose

5. Be Patient

This is the hardest one for most people (but it’s honestly the most important). As humans, we are creatures of habit, and we hardly ever make progress in a straight line. Some people might see rapid gains at first, only to hit a wall months later. Others take more of a boomerang-like path until they reach their goals.

Still others make progress similar to the way an old car turns on. Initial progress may be slow, and even painful, but suddenly they achieve the breakthrough they were waiting for and are off to the races again!

Setting ambitious goals can be fun and exhilarating. But the obstacles and distractions you might meet along the way can take that excitement away very quickly.

Following these easy steps outlined above should help you stay in the “excited” zone and keep you among the top 8% that are still moving towards their goals this December (albeit, possibly sneaking an ice cream or slice or cake in mid-July).

Solutions Weight Loss is on your side!